Home STONE de ART Marble&Granite Sdn Bhd
STONE de ART Marble&Granite Sdn Bhd

STONE de ART Marble&Granite Sdn Bhd

Address Selangor, Malaysia, Southeast Asia Selangor, Malaysia, Southeast Asia
Type of Supplier: Manufacturer
Established Year: 2004
Annual Revenue: US$5 Million-US$10 Million
Team Size (Product Supply): 50-100 People

Company Profile

Stone de Art In 2004, Stone de Art set off to Italy in search of top grade beautiful stones. This marked the start of our journey and understanding of how great stones appeared in low quantities and were difficult to obtain. Despite the initial struggle, we committed ourselves to providing the best. For us, that meant we would not settle for anything less. Returning empty-handed from a lengthy search is more preferable than returning with unsatisfactory stones. The best meant that we would visit quarries, no matter rain or snow. 15 years after our establishment, Stone de Art’s commitment has not wavered in the least. We have committed ourselves to providing the best quality stones to our customers for 15 years, and will continue to do so. Experience our commitment.

Company Information

Business License: Audited
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