Home JMC Panelz Sdn Bhd
JMC Panelz Sdn Bhd

JMC Panelz Sdn Bhd

Address Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Southeast Asia Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Southeast Asia
Type of Supplier: Manufacturer, Exporter
Established Year: 2007
Annual Revenue: US$2 Million-US$5 Million
Team Size (Product Supply): 50-100 People

Company Profile

JMC FASCIA EXTERIOR CLADDING From inspiration to application, each and every aspect of ‘exterior designing’ is different. While weather plays a crucial role, it is also aesthetics that drives the concept. JMC FASCIA Exterior Cladding has been conceived keeping all the aspects into consideration. The panels are manufactured in lamination presses under high pressure and temperature. The special quality resins provide effective weather protection. Be it sun, rain or snow, the character of the panels is not going to be lost. Be assured of shape, color and durability. JMC FASCIA also brings to you a unique ventilated façade system, which allows water, moisture or any other natural agent to find their way through the panel installation. The choices that you have in JMC FASCIA panel designs might make it difficult for you to decide. From patterns inspired by nature, to designs complementing your interior and from plain and solid hues to completely abstract construct, you have them all.

Company Information

Business License: Audited
Main Products:

Ceiling, Outdoor Wall Material

Service Area: Provide services for 0 Countries/Regions View More Hide

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