Singsong Gift Enterprise is a design-driven leader in the Seasonal and Home Decor import industry. We partner with our customers to create, manufacture and deliver extraordinary product! We go above and beyond our customer's needs and expectations to deliver on-trend, on-time products for their wholesale and retail customers. We have the reputation offering newest and most exciting products to our customers in our Shanghai showroom. We have established a design facility in Shanghai, China. Each year we create approximately 20000 new items to our customers. Our customer base ranges from the U.S. Department stores, Super Market Chain Stores and High-end Importers. We also provide services to Canadian and European markets. Whether you're an importer looking for a mix of unique product and logistic experience or a major retailer looking for creativity and newness in custom product development, private label and price-driven programs, we bring the expertise needed to develop and deliver. Additionally, we are experienced in working with India and Vietnam suppliers that can offer a breath of product and substantial savings on current select tariffs. Our customers have overwhelmingly positive experiences that lead to sales growth and excitement about working with us season after season. We believe that consistency and experience is key and our design, sales and operations team aim to make sure we are your most exciting and trusted vendor.We are looking forward to the pleasure of meeting you!
Company Information
Business License:Audited
Main Products:
Decorative Ornaments
Service Area:Provide services for 39 Countries/RegionsView MoreHide
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