Home Bahariye Hali
Bahariye Hali

Bahariye Hali

Address Guangzhou Shi, Turkey, West Asia Guangzhou Shi, Turkey, West Asia
Type of Supplier: Manufacturer
Established Year: before 1980
Annual Revenue: US$1 Million-US$2 Million
Team Size (Product Supply): 50-100 People

Company Profile

Was founded as a worsted and woolen yarn and fabric manufacturer.in Eyup, Istanbul in1951. The facility was re-located to the Istanbul's industrial region, Ikitelli, in 1984. The company maintains a prominent position in this realm of the textile industry in Turkey today. Since its foundation, Bahariye has diligently followed new trends and progresses in the industry. It always has adapted the new technologies, and processes rapidly. Both the capacity and the quality of production have increased by the aid of modern machinery and techniques which are consistent with the latest innovations. Bahariye Mensucat has demonstrated a consistent growth and has become a symbol of quality in the world textile sector.

Company Information

Business License: Audited
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