Since 1999,Falin has been a specialist in the areas of the hand drvers and hair dryers Many of our products, with their own design and development, are patented and count with an excellent recoanition on the market. We work day by day to optimize ang continuously improve our products, to offer our customer greater competitive advantages and personalized attention. Our own research and develooment department, which is made up of highly qualified engineers and includes a test laboratory for our products. A continuous strive for qualityin our products, rigorous controls arecarried out by our technicians during all phases of production, from single components to final tests. We work day by day to optimize ano continuously improve our products, to offer our customer greater competitive advantages and personalized attention.
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Business License:Audited
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Guestroom Appliances,
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Service Area:Provide services for 33 Countries/RegionsView MoreHide
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