AM Industries Vietnam is an independent company supplying steel components, steel structure, steel fabrication, industrial services and sourcing from Vietnam and Asia to Worldwide.We have experience in fabricating and controlling production quality complied with Australian Standards, American Standards, and European Standards. We also can apply another Standards and Sourcing platform with High-Quality Control.Our competitive advantage is a continued focus on improving processes, manufacturing, and services.By managing the entire process, we can control costs, stock and quality to consistently deliver projects on time and on budget.Working as a solution provider, at AM Industries, we are completely focused in our approach and it reflects in our business process. Due to our committed approach, we are highly trusted by our clients. It has further helped us to achieve a respectful position among our competitors. AM's a dynamic company and quickly conquering big markets through its two primary strategies namely: Total quality & Flexibility.We believe in an industrial world made of trusted, passionate, and dedicated people. We work to achieve this with an open-minded, quick, and customer-centered approach.We combine the best structural components with a conscientious engineering process to provide you with a finished product that meets the highest standards. We keep up with the latest innovations in fabrication technology and use advanced machinery to produce a superior product.Our competitive advantage is with the continued focus on improving the way it is processed, manufactured and serviced. By managing the entire process, we are able to control costs, stock and quality to consistently deliver projects on time and on budget.OUR SERVICES:- Steel components- Steel structure- Steel water tanks / Steel silos - Stainless steel components- Kitting & assembly- Residential & commercial building products- Quality control services- Partnering- SourcingPlease feel free to get in touch with us about any of the specifics of your inquiries.
Company Information
Business License:Audited
Main Products:
Steel Structure
Service Area:Provide services for 149 Countries/RegionsView MoreHide
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