Foshan Gooday Hardware Company is one of the world's leading manufacturers of PVC wall board,Ceiling board and flooring accessories.For PVC board, we have our owns well-know brand "Merry home" .Our brand's aim is to those customers who need high-quality and truly environmentally friendly products to provide the best quality productsFor flooring accessories,we have been supplying flooring accessories to UK first flooring brand over 10 years. So we are surely an expert on this field.Also, Gooday Hardware specialize in extrusion profiles, surface treatment and fabrication. We always been responsible for the society and has contributed to the community as the aims of business development and expansion, to provide the most environmentally friendly and best quality products to global customer, and therefore we build up the long term and good cooperation with them.
Company Information
Business License:Audited
Main Products:
Other Ceilings,
Other Roofing Materials
Service Area:Provide services for 29 Countries/RegionsView MoreHide
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