Sheungyin Harvest Aluminium Company Limited acquired the aluminium industries pioneering company which was incorporated in 2 0 0 2, and situated in Nanhai district, Foshan city, Guangdong province. Operating as a comprehensive manufacturing of aluminium Profiles and construction related aluminum products, we are equipped with in house advanced facilities for extrusion, powder coating, P V D F coating, anodizing, electrophoresis and wood grain printing. Our business takes place within the local markets and cross border markets and our satisfied clients in domestic markets as well as cross border markets such as South East Asia, Middle East, Africa, Europe and Southern America is a great endorsement of our capabilities. We assist our customers with Business to Consumer or Business to Business issues that are not just tactical but strategic, since our long term goal is to establish and operate strategic alliance around the world. We are expanding our presence in the global markets where you can be a reliable partner in our forward integration. The company has partnered with reliable sources & suppliers of raw materials, who have gone through our careful evaluation of quality, reliability & constant supply capabilities. Thus, we are geared to engage in projects of any magnitude. Further, our professionally qualified and dedicated human resource with internationally certified management systems, adhering to strict environment friendly process and strict quality control systems enable us to deliver quality products on time to our valued customers.
Company Information
Business License:Audited
Main Products:
Building Aluminum Profile,
Aluminium Profile Radiator,
Industrial Aluminium Profile
Service Area:Provide services for 0 Countries/RegionsView MoreHide
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