+ Started a joint venture with VIGLACERA
Vietnamfor new product development,
'Terracotta Panel'
+ 베트남의 비그라세라와 투자 생산 협정,
신제품 '테라코타 패널' 개발
+ Introduced mass production system for
Terracotta Panel
+ Exported to Australia, Turkey, USA, Japan,
Europe and Southeast Asia
+ 테라코타 생산을 위한 대량생산 시스템 도입
+ 해외수출
+ Started domestic sales
+ Participated in Korea KyungHyang
Housing Fair as EUTO HOUSING
+ 국내판매 시작
+ 경향하우징페어 참여
+ Developed ST Hardware contributes to lower
cost and construction efficiency
+ Obtained a patent for Aluminum Hardware
+ Obtained a patent for Stainless Steel Hardware
+ Exported ST Hardware and Tera Solid to
Japan (MG Net)
+ ST Hardware 개발로 비용절감 및 시공성 향상
+ Aluminum Hardware 특허취득
+ Stainless Steel Hardware
+ 특허 취득ST Hardware와
테라솔리드 일본수출 (MG Net)
+ EUTO PLUS INC becomes a certified
venture company
+ 유토플러스 벤처기업 인증
+ 20~30% annual growth of sales, 150,000㎡ in
2012 estimation
+ 매년 20~30% 판매성장, 2012년 추산
+ Renewal of MOU with VIGLACERA Vietnam
for production line sharing
+ 베트남 생산라인 공유 MOU 체결 갱신
+ Obtained a patent for TERA Series Design
+ 테라시리즈 디자인 특허
+ Exported for Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey
+ 카자흐스탄, 러시아, 터키 수출
+ Obtained a patent for T-Brick
+ 티브릭 특허 출원
+ Ceramic tiles, a toilet bowl contract
+ 세라믹 타일, 양변기 공급계약
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