Home Movable Housing Furniture & Household Appliances Children Furniture Children's Chairs YiDing Furniture Co.,Ltd. Children's Chairs 104

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Supplier: YiDing Furniture Co.,Ltd.Go to Homepage >>
Office Location: Huzhou, Zhejiang, China, East Asia Huzhou, Zhejiang, China, East Asia
Type of Supplier: Manufacturer
Established Year: 2019
Annual Revenue: US$2 Million-US$5 Million
Total Employees: 10-50 People
YiDing Furniture Co.,Ltd.
Children's Chairs 104
Children's Chairs 104
Children's Chairs 104

Children's Chairs 104

Model: 104
Min. order: 1 Piece(s)
Production Time: 30 days
Terms of Payment: T/T,L/C,Western Union
Sale/Service Area:

China, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, Mongolia, Hong Kong-China, Macao-China, Taiwan-China, Spain, Portugal, Andorra, Italy, Greece, Malta, Vatican, San Marino, Slovenia, Croatia, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, French Southern Territories

China, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, Mongolia, Hong Kong-China, Macao-China, Taiwan-China, Spain, Portugal, Andorra, Italy, Greece, Malta, Vatican, San Marino, Slovenia, Croatia, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, French Southern Territories
Sample: Charge
Main Port of Export: ningbo
Product Details
Wood , Synthetic Leather


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