Home Ceiling,Roofing Materials & Coating Engineering Coating Fire-proof Coating Liaoning Maiqi New Material Group Co., Ltd. Hig Quality Industry Polysiloxane Coating

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Supplier: Liaoning Maiqi New Material Group Co., Ltd.Go to Homepage >>
Office Location: Diaobingshan City, Tieling, Liaoning, China, East Asia Diaobingshan City, Tieling, Liaoning, China, East Asia
Type of Supplier: Manufacturer
Established Year: 2015
Annual Revenue: Below US$1 Million
Total Employees: 50-100 People
Liaoning Maiqi New Material Group Co., Ltd.
Hig Quality Industry Polysiloxane Coating

Hig Quality Industry Polysiloxane Coating

FOB:  USD 2.3 - 4.8 Kg(s)
Model: MQ-PC-107
Min. order: 500 Kg(s)
Production Time: 7 days
Terms of Payment: T/T,L/C,D/A
Sample: Charge
Main Port of Export: dalian
Product Details



Product Description

Hig Quality Industry Polysiloxane Coating



Excellent weather resistance, UV light resistance, good gloss durability, no change in the coating after 1000 hours of accelerated weather resistance test, the coating is non-flammable and flame retardant; to water, salt solution, acid salt solution , Alkaline salt solution, petroleum products, organic solvent splashes have superior resistance, excellent adhesion, coating has excellent pollution resistance, abrasion resistance, scrubbing resistance, surface lotus effect and self-cleaning Features.




The inorganic-organic polymer formed by organic modification is made into the latest technology product with high content, low VOC and high weather resistance.

Technical Data Sheet



  Suitable for almost all the substrate such as metal, glass, stone, wood, interior and exterior walls, etc. It can be used in the surface painting of new and old buildings. It can be painted twice on various organic topcoats, interior and exterior wall coatings, and special glass, thereby greatly improving its decoration, antifouling and scrubbing resistance, weather resistance and high temperature resistance. Strongly adhere to the surface of processed steel, silver-zinc parts and inorganic zinc coating, providing long-term effective corrosion resistance and gas resistance

Especially suitable for steel structures: bridges, municipal engineering, ships (deck and superstructure, hull waterline; offshore platform), oil tank and pipeline; engineering industry and power generation, radio and power generation, waste water treatment, pulp and paper, chemical and petrochemical; transportation railway, truck carriages, buses, truck surfaces, concrete walls, etc.




When the substrate temperature for outdoor operation is lower than 5°C, the hardening reaction of components A and B will change to slow or stop, which is not suitable for operation.

Products Application

Hig Quality Industry Polysiloxane CoatingHig Quality Industry Polysiloxane CoatingHig Quality Industry Polysiloxane CoatingHig Quality Industry Polysiloxane Coating

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