Home Ceiling,Roofing Materials & Coating Ceiling Metal Ceiling&Integrated Ceiling Xiamen Sakin Trading Co., Ltd. Metal accessory for light steel keel metal stud and track metal

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Supplier: Xiamen Sakin Trading Co., Ltd.Go to Homepage >>
Office Location: Jimei District, Xiamen, Fujian, China, East Asia Jimei District, Xiamen, Fujian, China, East Asia
Type of Supplier: Manufacturer
Established Year: 2017
Annual Revenue: US$10 Million-US$50 Million
Xiamen Sakin Trading Co., Ltd.
Metal accessory for light steel keel metal stud and track metal

Metal accessory for light steel keel metal stud and track metal

FOB:  USD 0.5 - 1.67 Meter(s)
Model: custom015
Min. order: 100 Meter(s)
Sample: Charge
Main Port of Export: Tianjin Port
Product Details
Fireproof Materials
Galvanized Steel



Product introduction

Light steel keel is made of high quality continuous hot galvanized sheet as raw material and rolled by cold bending process.Used
for paper plasterboard, decorative plasterboard and other light plate to do the decorative surface of the non-load-bearing wall
and building roof modeling decoration.It is applicable to the modeling and decoration of the roofs of various buildings, the basic
materials of the inner and outer walls of buildings and the suspended ceiling of scaffolding.

Light steel keel is made of high quality continuous hot galvanized sheet as raw material and rolled by cold bending process.Used
for paper plasterboard, decorative plasterboard and other light plate to do the decorative surface of the non-load-bearing wall
and building roof modeling decoration.It is applicable to the modeling and decoration of the roofs of various buildings, the basic
materials of the inner and outer walls of buildings and the suspended ceiling of scaffolding.According to the purpose of the
ceiling keel and partition keel, according to the form of section V, C, T, L keel.Condole supports keel to divide again: advocate
keel and deputy keel.The main keel is the keel that bears the weight of the ceiling.

      Light steel keel condole supports, it is the ceiling, especially modelling ceiling, it is to make a frame with light steel keel, compound next plasterboard makes it.Light steel keel ceiling according to load bearing is divided into the human light steel keel ceiling and the human light steel keel ceiling. Light steel keel according to the keel section can be divided into: U keel, C keel, L keel.According to the specification can be divided into: D60 series, D50 series, D38 series, D25 series.

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