Home Staircase,Railing,Curtain Walls,Steel Structure & Prefabricated Houses Railing Railing & Handrail Accessories Foshan Jrs Hardware Products Co., Ltd. Latest balcony pillars railing designs

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Supplier: Foshan Jrs Hardware Products Co., Ltd.Go to Homepage >>
Office Location: Foshan, Guangdong, China, East Asia Foshan, Guangdong, China, East Asia
Type of Supplier: Manufacturer
Established Year: 2014
Annual Revenue: US$2 Million-US$5 Million
Total Employees: 50-100 People
Foshan Jrs Hardware Products Co., Ltd.
Latest balcony pillars railing designs
Latest balcony pillars railing designs
Latest balcony pillars railing designs

Latest balcony pillars railing designs

FOB:  USD 26 - 35 Piece(s)
Model: JRS105
Min. order: 10 Piece(s)
Production Time: 30 days
Terms of Payment: T/T,Western Union
Sale/Service Area:

China, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, Mongolia, Hong Kong-China, Macao-China, Taiwan-China

China, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, Mongolia, Hong Kong-China, Macao-China, Taiwan-China
Sample: Charge
Main Port of Export: shenzhen
Product Details


Brand Strength

As guardrails supplier of Asia's largest railway station --Guangzhou South railway station and the world's fastest speed train station --Shengzhen Futian railway station.FSJRS with 12 years experience in guardrails ,exporting to over 100 countries .FSJRS produces complete range clients' requirements .

Detailed Images

Concrete building stainless steel railing pillar


Q1. How much does per meter this railing cost?

A: It will vary according to railing height,material grade,mounted method,etc.

Q2. How do I get an estimate?How do we get started?

A:Just send us your approxiamate measurements or drawings,we are ususally able to get back to you with your estimate during 24 hours.

Q3.what's the general height of staircase column ?

A:According to china's national standard , the railing should be higher than 1000mm and 1100mm for public place .

Q4.What's the appropriate distance between two staircase columns ?

A:It depends on where are they used for and the specifications of the columns . If they are used in private house , the usual distance is 1meter to 1.2meter . A column should be installed every two or three steps for stairs . If they are used for projects and the columns are big , the distance between two columns can be 1.5meters to 2 meters . If they are stably installed and will not shake, then it is ok .  

Q5.Which way is the glass faced ? Inward or outward .

A:Glass is generally installed in the outside, but it can be adjusted according to the actual situation

Q6.Where our products are used ?

A:Our products are used as safeguard project in real estates , hotels ,railway stations, subways , plane fields , office buildings , schools ,hospitals or private houses . 

Q7.Dose your handrail meet the European environment standard?

A:Yes,our products conform to European environment standard .

Q8. Can I install the railings myself?

A:The railing is designed to assembled and installed easily,no special skills or tolls required.


Guangzhou South Railway station --The largest railway station in Asia.

Shenzhen Futian Railway Station --The highest speed railway station in the world. The doors , balusters and other stainless steel safeguard  project are made by our factory.

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