Home Staircase,Railing,Curtain Walls,Steel Structure & Prefabricated Houses Railing Railing & Handrail Accessories Foshan Jrs Hardware Products Co., Ltd. Metal balustrades rail for roof and balcony safety used

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Supplier: Foshan Jrs Hardware Products Co., Ltd.Go to Homepage >>
Office Location: Foshan, Guangdong, China, East Asia Foshan, Guangdong, China, East Asia
Type of Supplier: Manufacturer
Established Year: 2014
Annual Revenue: US$2 Million-US$5 Million
Total Employees: 50-100 People
Foshan Jrs Hardware Products Co., Ltd.
Metal balustrades rail for roof and balcony safety used
Metal balustrades rail for roof and balcony safety used
Metal balustrades rail for roof and balcony safety used

Metal balustrades rail for roof and balcony safety used

FOB:  USD 26 - 35 Piece(s)
Model: JRS101
Min. order: 10 Piece(s)
Production Time: 30 days
Terms of Payment: T/T,Western Union
Sale/Service Area:

China, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, Mongolia, Hong Kong-China, Macao-China, Taiwan-China

China, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, Mongolia, Hong Kong-China, Macao-China, Taiwan-China
Sample: Charge
Main Port of Export: shenzhen
Product Details


Brand Strength

As guardrails supplier of Asia's largest railway station --Guangzhou South railway station and the world's fastest speed train station --Shengzhen Futian railway station.FSJRS with 12 years experience in guardrails ,exporting to over 100 countries .FSJRS produces complete range clients' requirements .

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This baluster has three  model , Single Clamp , Double Clamp , 90 Degree Clamps

If you send the dimension , we can help you to make drawings .

Normal 1 meter need the following material 


Glass-0.8 square meter

Top railing pipe --1meter 


Q1. How much does per meter this railing cost?

A: It will vary according to railing height,material grade,mounted method,etc.

Q2. How do I get an estimate?How do we get started?

A:Just send us your approxiamate measurements or drawings,we are ususally able to get back to you with your estimate during 24 hours.

Q3.what's the general height of staircase column ?

A:According to china's national standard , the railing should be higher than 1000mm and 1100mm for public place .

Q4.What's the appropriate distance between two staircase columns ?

A:It depends on where are they used for and the specifications of the columns . If they are used in private house , the usual distance is 1meter to 1.2meter . A column should be installed every two or three steps for stairs . If they are used for projects and the columns are big , the distance between two columns can be 1.5meters to 2 meters . If they are stably installed and will not shake, then it is ok .  

Q5.Which way is the glass faced ? Inward or outward .

A:Glass is generally installed in the outside, but it can be adjusted according to the actual situation

Q6.Where our products are used ?

A:Our products are used as safeguard project in real estates , hotels ,railway stations, subways , plane fields , office buildings , schools ,hospitals or private houses . 

Q7.Dose your handrail meet the European environment standard?

A:Yes,our products conform to European environment standard .

Q8. Can I install the railings myself?

A:The railing is designed to assembled and installed easily,no special skills or tolls required.


Guangzhou South Railway station --The largest railway station in Asia.

Shenzhen Futian Railway Station --The highest speed railway station in the world. The doors , balusters and other stainless steel safeguard  project are made by our factory.

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