Home Doors, Windows ,Curtains & Signage Curtains Venetian Blinds Superhouse Building Material Co.,Ltd. Most popular black color aluminum frame louvre window shutter for corridor

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Supplier: Superhouse Building Material Co.,Ltd.Go to Homepage >>
Office Location: Shanghai City, Shanghai, China, East Asia Shanghai City, Shanghai, China, East Asia
Type of Supplier: Manufacturer
Established Year: 2013
Annual Revenue: US$10 Million-US$50 Million
Superhouse Building Material Co.,Ltd.
Most popular black color aluminum frame louvre window shutter for corridor

Most popular black color aluminum frame louvre window shutter for corridor

FOB:  USD 90 - 120
Model: aluminum louvre window
Min. order: 10
Production Time: 30 days
Terms of Payment: T/T
Sale/Service Area:

China, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, Mongolia, Hong Kong-China, Macao-China, Taiwan-China

China, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, Mongolia, Hong Kong-China, Macao-China, Taiwan-China
Sample: Free
Main Port of Export: Shanghai
Product Details


Product Description

Superhouse hot sale customized timber color aluminum louvre with adjustable blade for house

Superhouse louvre window is masterfully engineered to provide the slim profile that elegantly compliments both modern and traditional styles of architecture.This kind of sun-shading window is created with maximum air ventilation and light penetration.Meanwhile it can remain open during a rainstorm allowing fresh washed air to enter your home.Superhouse louvre window makes your house charm and vivid.

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